Saturday 15 May 2010

The First Page

Saturday 15th May 2010

This is the first page of my Blog I really have not got a clue where this is going to go from here.

It will probably include daily events thoughts and activities plus a lot of my own personal views on things that get under my skin and things that dont,

I decieded to start this daily account so i can look back in a few years to see the good things and bad things that happen over the year.

"So here goes and this could the first day of the rest of my life"

Its only 7 days now before we leave for Sabah Malaysia its been a fraught couple of weeks as we are in the process of buying an apartment next to the beach at Millinsung about 40 mins from KK (kota Kinabalu)

Like most things in Malaysia nothing seems to move very quickly and as they are 7 hrs ahead theres not a great deal of time for sorting out any problems (and there are lots believe me) unless you want to get up in the middle of the night to make phone calls nothing ever gets done so when i am not calling Lawyers during the night i am writing emails to keep them on the boil.

We origonally started this back in October last year and its still looking 50/50 if they are going to have everything ready to go by the time we arrive on the 23rd May (my birthday if anyone is interested, NO okay)

The best present would be a call before we leave telling me its all ready to go. (Sal my wife is usually optomistic but even her optomisim has been tested recently)

So it looks like we will just have to wait till we get there to get the final outcome "watch this space"

So the bags are packed only a few more things to do now the flight leaves Bristol on Saturday at 18:30 for amsterdam then after a 1hr transfer is on to KL (Kuala Lumpur) before taking the 5pm flight to KK. arriving at about 8:30pm.

Anyway i am getting ahead of myself now its supossed to be a daily blog no point in writing it up for the future that has not arrived yet things change on a daily basis especially in Malayisia.

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